Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Mmmmm, candy.

Recently I ate enough candy pumpkins (think candy corn in pumpkin form) to make myself sick. You would think that being an adult would prevent me from making such an error, but no, it did not. However, like a rat in a science lab that avoids the lever that gives him an electric shock, I did draw my hand away quickly today when I automatically reached into the cabinet for some more of those pumpkins. Ah ha (!), I have learned my lesson, I thought. I know better! So instead, I reached for the candy corn. Eh, I never said I was smart.

While we're on the subject (said subject being candy, not my lack of smarts)...

I've been browsing the Halloween candy aisles as of late. I've been doing what I call a 'pre-shop' in that I am seeing what is available and how much it all costs. You see, I have a dilemma on my hands. Should I buy the cheap candy and go for quantity - to be sure I have plenty of candy for the millions of trick-or-treaters that will descend upon our house? Or should I go for quality and bypass the Smarties and Dum-Dums (Ha! Those names! Do they cancel each other out?) and instead buy good chocolate? I'm not sure which is the graver offense - not enough candy or crappy candy. The decision making process has my mind just plain shutting down, and I have yet to buy anything. I'll be the lady who goes out on Halloween night and buys whatever the heck they have left. That is my lot in life.


And for those of you who are interested (Hi!) I have yet to get any results back from the CT Scan. So I'll let you know when I hear something.


sara said...

i had the same problem with those candy corn pumpkins. allie insisted on getting a bag from target about a month ago and then decided she didn't like them. well, i've never been a big fan of candy corn, but i sure ate them all!!!! mmmmmmmm, sugar.......

Anonymous said...

It's hereditary! Allie will also succumb to this generational disease, just wait.......